Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Mrs C's Year One Smarties: Term 3 Weeks 1-5

From Mrs C

Term 3 Overview

 Term 3! We are officially in the second half of Year One...where does the time go?!

As you know, our school has a values program. Each value teaches life skills used in everyday adult life. Each assembly a student from the presenting is awarded with the values award, but we also have a values award presented from each class also. This term we are focused on independence, responsibility, excellence and perseverance. Please chat with your child about what each of these values mean and what they look like in everyday life.
Independence - could look like: remembering when your reading book is due back, when library day is and packing them into your bag, remembering your homework folder, dressing yourself etc.
Responsibility - could look like: remembering the correct behaviour, completing homework etc. 
Excellence - could look like: always giving everything your best shot, trying hard to find a solution to a problem, completing tasks to the best of your ability etc.
Perseverance - could look like: not giving up, trying hard (think of the Olympians) etc.
Think about the ways your child could incorporate these values.


Well wasn't this a smash hit?! I am so proud of each and everyone of the students who performed in our assembly in Week 3. They worked so hard to learn the songs and the actions. The confidence and behaviour they displayed was something to be commended, they truly were the vision of excellence!
A huge thank you must go to the parents of Room 22, your commitment to making our assembly a hit was truly appreciated! The effort you all went to for your child's costume was heart warming. Thank you for making it a huge success!

  Not only was our presentation a success, but we were also big winners in the award exciting!!
We won the 'Conservation Award' this is for always remembering to turn our lights and IWB off before recess and lunch in order to save power and our planet. We also won the 'Music Award' and the 'Tidy Bag Award'



Week 3 was NAIDOC week, a time when we get to celebrate and explore the culture of the first Australians. In order to do this effectively, we had an incursion. We got to listen to an Aboriginal Elder speak about the importance of totems and symbols. In order to further explore this, we researched Aboriginal symbols and this is what we found out:

There is no written language for Australian Aboriginal People so in order to convey their important cultural stories through the generations it is portrayed by symbols/icons through their artwork.

Most of the symbols used in Aboriginal iconography are relatively simple but to tell a more complex story they are used in more elaborate combinations. 
In order to celebrate NAIDOC Day, we researched Aboriginal symbols then used them to tell a story. We have written our stories alongside our paintings in order to bridge the gap between two cultures.
We would love you to come in and have a look at them displayed in the window.

 What's New in Room 22?

As part of an extension program, we have some students who have been completing research tasks then presenting their new knowledge to our whole class. So far we have learnt many new things. Everyone gets very excited and some of the questioning is well beyond their years. Well done to Shreya, Alysha, Mandy and Anjelina. I have attached a link to a copy of their powerpoints below for you to have a look at.

Anjelina - Africa

Shreya - Antarctica

Alysha - France

Mandy - Ghana

Homework Reminder 

You may have noticed your child saying the name of their group has changed??
We have altered our groups and renamed them, they are as follows
Frogs are now Apples
Rabbits are now Strawberries
Owls are now Oranges
Deers are now Watermelons

Home readers are due:
Apples - Monday
Strawberries - Tuesday
Oranges - Wednesday
Watermelons - Friday

Spelling Homework is due each Friday morning and will start being sent home Friday afternoon for practice over the weekend.  

My door is always open, however to due to the many committees and responsibilities I have within the school it is best to make an appointment, of course this is not required for a quick chat in the morning, but afternoons are particularly busy.

Many thank once again to our Parent readers, your time is of high value! 


In English we continue to work on our:
Language - vocabulary and WOW words
Sentence Building - verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, simile, openers and connectives
Tracking and Blending
Spelling - ask your child about our new spelling warm fun!
and much, much more

I have attached a link to one of our Sentence Building Warm ups for you to practice with your child


In Maths we continue to work on our:
Counting by 1s
Skip counting  by 10s, 5s and 2s
Shapes (2D and 3D)
Addition and Subtraction
Number Bonds to 10 and 20 

I have attached a link below to one of our Maths warm ups for you to practice at home



As our assembly may have given away, we are studying 'Our Place in Space' as our Geography unit.
We are looking at how we are a part of a much bigger picture:
The Solar System - we are looking at all the planets and focusing on remembering them in order and knowing what number planet we are from the sun.
Earth - our focus is on knowing that the Earth is made up of many different countries and a LOT of water.
Australia - our focus is on knowing this the name of our country, that Australia is one country on Earth and that Australia is made up of many different states, a territory and that each has a capital city, along with the flag.
Western Australia - our focus is on knowing that W.A. is one state of Australia, that we have a capital city and the W.A. flag.
Perth - our focus is on knowing this is the name of our city and that there is a river that runs through it called the swan river.
Wattle Grove - our focus is on knowing that Wattle Grove is a suburb of Perth, that is where our school is and where many of us live.
Street - our focus is on knowing that our street is part of a suburb, we need to know our address!
Bedroom - our focusing is on knowing what is meant by 'birds eye view', we will be drawing our bedrooms - this is our very own little place in space!  

Thank you as always for your continued support.

Kirsty Campbell-Court