Sunday, 5 November 2017

Term 4

Welcome to Term 4!

I know I say this at the beginning of every term, but honestly, where has the year gone?!

This term is a busy one with swimming, dancing and end of year celebrations. In amongst all that we continue our strong focus on English, Mathematics, Science and HASS (History, this term). I have placed an outline of the focus areas of these below.

This term we also welcome Mrs Thomsen who will be completing her third year prac with us. We hope she has lots of fun and look forward to her lessons.

As I mentioned above, dancing has commenced in preparation for our end of year celebrations. I was not surprised to see each and every one of your children so quick to pick up the steps for each routine. It is such a fun way to finish our Thursdays. 

Swimming begins Monday week 5. Please ensure your child comes to school in their uniform (bathers may be worn underneath). They will also require a bag to take to swimming (not their school bag). This bag should contain a towel, thongs (flip flops, slides) and goggles. It is a good idea to also have another separate bag (which will be left at school) with underwear and another school shirt. Students must wear socks and shoes to school, but will change into thongs prior to leaving school. These are much easier for them to put back on after the lesson. Upon our return to school students will be given time to change back into their school clothes. If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to come and chat with me.

Further information regarding our end of celebrations will be passed along as soon as they have been confirmed.

Please find our focus areas for Term 4 below.


- Four operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Mental strategies
- Money
- Time


- Review of all content taught through the year
- Persuasive and Narrative Writing and how to 'uplevel' our use of punctuation and vocabulary
- Reading Comprehension


We are going to focus on Physical and Chemical Science.
Week 5 will be the commencement of the Year 2 Science Superstar Challenge presentations (please a copy of the parent note that was distributed below).
The Year Ones have already completed this task and must be commended on a job very well done. Thank you to all the parents for your continued support!


Our focus this term continues to be in the area of History. We have been studying how technology has changed over time.


This term we will be focusing on emotions, feelings and protective behaviors. More information about this will be provided via a letter to parents later in the term.

If you have any queries regarding anything, feel free to come and see me in the morning. If it is something that requires a longer meeting please make an appointment with me.

Thank you for a wonderful year. I look forward to a great Term 4.

Kirsty Campbell-Court