Hi everyone,
Welcome to our final full blog update for 2017. I hope you, like me, have had a wonderful year.
I have really enjoyed teaching every single one of your children this year and wish them all the very best for their future.
As you all know, this is a very busy time of the year. We have final assembly, dance party presentations, class party AND I am so fortunate to be able to attend Government House next Monday, 11th of December to watch our very own Shreya receive a medal for achieving the highest results in the ICAS Mathematics assessment. I am so proud of her efforts and can not wait to see her rewarded for all her hard work.
Dance Party
Room 22's dance party will be held on Tuesday the 12th of December at 1pm - 2pm. This event will take place at Wattle Grove Camp. Students are able to wear party clothes for the entire day.
Class Party
More details to come...stay tuned!
Holiday Learning
It is really important that over the six week break, students get to relax from their year of hard work. It is equally important they stay up to date with their skills in order to begin the new year with confidence. Reading is an important skill and one that should be practiced regularly. Writing also falls into this category. Ask children to keep a diary, write stories based on a topic you give them, or persuade someone to do something. Mathematics skills should also not go unpracticed. Challenge them with times tables, play card games, dice games and of course Numero, if you have a set. Maybe even utilise the student made PowerPoints below.
We have some very talented students in Room 22 who LOVE to make PowerPoints. It has been wonderful to see their confidence grow when presenting these. If I'm not careful, I will be out of a job!