Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Science Has Begun!

 Mrs C has finally worked out a way to deliver an exciting science program that ensures all years get exactly what they need and more!

This term and into next term we will be learning about biological science. We began our unit by sorting a whole bunch of what seemed like random pictures. We then took photos on the iPads and learnt how to 'write' on the photo to label them (so fun!). We then rotated around the tables and scanned QR codes which linked to videos about living, non-living, once living and products of living things. After we viewed them, we realised that the pictures were not random at all! We catergorised them into the four groups, which was a little trickier than we thought, but we all got there in the end.
 Please enjoy looking at our photos below. We can't wait for our next lesson!

Table 1 - Shreya, Nikki, Alice, Amelia

Table 2 - Aliston, Joel, Ethan, Ronan

Table 3 - Anjelina, Trinity, Alex, Dani

Table 4 - Anjelina, Dani, Alex, Trinity

Table 5 - Alysha, Mandy, Zareen, Paige

Table 6 - Kayla, Joella, Imaan, Gorika

Monday, 26 February 2018

Merit Certificate Winners

Congratulations to our amazing merit certificate winners for this assembly. Well done and keep up the wonderful effort.

Ethan, Ronan, Nikki