Sunday, 24 March 2019

Harmony Day

Hi everyone,
Just a quick post in celebration of Harmony Day.
In light of recent horrific world events, Harmony Day could not have come along at a better time.
I am grateful everyday, to work in a school that welcomes and appreciates all cultures, whilst teaching inclusiveness and compassion.
What a truly wonderful school environment we have.


With much gratitude,

Sunday, 17 March 2019

It's All Happening

Hi everyone,
Hope you have been enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having. I'm personally looking forward to the cooler weather of winter.

We have had so much going on in Room 23, I almost don't know where to begin with this post. So, I will begin on a celebratory note. On the 7th March we celebrated Dani's birthday. Table 4 got to wear party hats for the day and we were extremely lucky to have enjoyed iced doughnuts in the afternoon. Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANI!

This past week saw the end of our first lot of collaborative teams. Teams are changed every five weeks and are a great way for the students to get to know and work with everyone in class. Before we leave our groups, we provide feedback to our team and to our shoulder partner in particular. We do one final 'celebration', pack up our belongings and 'move house' as we call it. Mrs C know just has to get used to where everyone has moved to.

Our 'Big Write' days (Thursdays), are our favourite! Everyone's writing is coming along so well. I have been very impressed with the progress so far and everyone should feel very proud.

For the past two weeks we have been doing 'Breakdown Buddies' on a Friday morning. Breakdown Buddies is where students read their writing aloud to their shoulder partner, editing as they go. Shoulder partners then provide their partner with Two Glows and a Grow (two things they feel their partner did well and one thing for them to work on. Cute right?!). The quality of feedback is exceptional and insightful. Super proud teacher over here!

A huge thank you is also due to the parents for supporting your child's writing with the Talk Homework task. I hope you have found this entertaining. I have heard that some of you have AMAZING story ideas! We may have to have a parent Big Write also :)

Our All About Me presentations are now complete with all students presenting very well. We had some very impressive presentations complete with quizzes, sushi, word searches and musk sticks!

Once again, Room 23 are winners! What can we say, we are just that good I guess ;) At the most recent assembly we won the Music Award. Thanks Mr Honey.

Congratulations to our Junior Merit winners, Kate and Meryl. Well done girls!

Finally, please be reminded that this Friday is Harmony Day. Students can wear their cultural dress or orange, the colour of Harmony Day.

With much gratitude,

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Science, Geography, Reading and Even More Winners

Hi everyone,
Our first week of homework via the blog seems to have worked well and we can feel better knowing we are saving a few trees. Thank you for all your support in this new endeavour.

Our newest writing stimulus and homework sheet can be found under the 'Homework' tab at the top of our blog.

We have begun our Science and Geography Units. These both link together beautifully with Science relating to Earth and Space and Geography relating to Australia and the World. I have placed some links under the 'Skills Practice' tab for students to access. Be prepared to be quizzed by your children :)

Literacy Pro is off to an amazing start. We have already read 1,087,387 words!! How unbelievable is that?! We do LOVE to read in Room 23. Our quiz pass rate at this stage is 82% so not far off our goal of 90% we set at the beginning of the term. Congratulations go to certificate winners: Shayan (Blue Certificate), Kyan (Blue Certificate), Joella (Red Certificate). I have had a few parents come in to ask about Literacy Pro. If you would like me to run a quick session after school one afternoon please let me know. Based on interest, I will set up a time to meet.

Our senior (Year 3) students attended their first Senior Assembly this week. They join Miss Zaffino's class for these. Congratulations go to our Merit Certificate recipients: Gorika and Dani. Well done. You make me proud every day.

With much gratitude,