Hello everyone,
Welcome to Term 4, 2020. Hasn't this year flown by in the blink of an eye. I cannot believe we are in Term 4 already!
We have had a busy start to the term as always, but in addition to that, we also had a very busy end to Term 3.
Just in the last few weeks of Term 3 we had visitors to our classroom, a Spelling Bee, Book Week and Book Week prize winners, Interschool carnivals, birthdays, flower pot competitions and even some drama.
Spelling Bee Champion! |
Book Week Winners |
Jumps and Throws Team |
Jai Champion Boy (Junior) |
Interschool Team |
Interschool Champion Boy! |
Room 32 and 33's Garden Retreat (we won second place) |
Readers' Theatre
It requires no sets, costumes, props, or memorized lines. Instead of acting out literature as in a play, the performer’s goal is to read a script aloud effectively, enabling the audience to visualise the action. Performers bring the text alive by using voice, facial expressions, and some gestures.
Done well, readers’ theaters will definitely boost
reading comprehension, fluency, accuracy, and expression skills not to mention...IT'S FUN!!!!
Leave us a comment. We'd love to read them.
With much gratitude,