Monday, 30 March 2020

Week 9...New Times Ahead

Homework - Learning From Home

WORK PACKAGES – Term 1, Week 9
The following Work Package has been created to assist children at home with their learning.

Week 9 Mini MAC Work Package Overview

Hello everyone,
Firstly, let me say I miss you all terribly! I hope you have been reading lots and accessing the blog for lots of learning.

We teachers have been working very hard to create 'Work Packages' for everyone. Room 32's package can be found in our Homework tab. There is a link to the Week 9 Work Package Overview. This hyperdoc contains all the hyperlinks you will need to complete your week 9 package.

Please ensure you have logged into Studyladder before clicking the hyperlinks to ensure your work will be saved to your profile. So simply login to Studyladder in one tab then open another tab for the overview sheet, then click on the links provided.

I will be checking your progress often! Good luck.

Please stay safe and healthy. I hope I get to see you all very soon.