Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Week 10

Almost there!
I am absolutely amazed with how far each and every child in Room 13 has progressed this semester. I hope you are as proud of them as I am. I look forward to an amazing second semester.

This week is all about our assembly. We have been singing up a storm in Room 13. I have attached the download links for both the song and poem again.



On Tuesday, we had a special guest all the way from Domain Stadium. Joe and Rick the Rock from the Eagles Football Club came to visit Wattle Grove. They both taught us the skills we need to achieve our goals.

1. Exercise
2. Healthy food
3.  Being prepared
4. Resilience (Bouncing Back)
5. Sportsmanship

Joe and Rick the Rock from Kirsty Campbell

 We wrote some amazing recounts in our Writing Journals, maybe you could ask your child to read it to you the next time you are in class.

Talk Homework

This weeks Talk Homework is all about going to school 100 years ago. This will be our final piece of persuasive writing this term.

Thank you for your help with our assembly preparations. We can't wait to see you all there!

Week 9

This week was all about Jump Rope for Heart. We have been skipping non stop in Room 13. Every recess and lunch time has been filled with children eager to show off their new found skills and tricks they have learnt. It has been so heart warming watching the children teach each other tricks and encourage the less able.

We have recently found out that as a school we have raised over $6000!

We are getting very excited about our assembly. Due to this year being a centenary year for Wattle Grove Primary School, we will be presenting an item based on being a student 100 years ago.
Please find below a copy of our poem and song (sung to the tune of 'Let it Go' a song I am sure you will all know) for practicing at home. There will be plenty of opportunities for children to practice at school also.



I would like to thank everyone for their support in completing homework tasks and returning homework files each Friday. It is important to our routine that these are returned on time.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Week 8

Welcome to Week 8! My goodness this term is flying by!

The highlight of our week was having a visit from Harold the Giraffe from the Life Education Van.


Very sadly, we lost of photos of this event...we were devastated. However, we decided to write a recount of the event as a whole class.

Life Education Van

On Tuesday, Room 13 went to visit the Life Education Van just near our classroom.

Firstly, we met Hannah. She told us we needed to climb the stairs of the big van and sit down quietly inside, it was amazing inside the van. We really didn't think it would look like it did inside.

Secondly, we met Harold the Giraffe. Mrs Campbell thought he was a real giraffe but we told her he was just a puppet, but we liked him anyway. He was very funny. Harold told us we needed to become Junior Detectives so we could help him solve a mystery. The mystery was that his friend Cocky had gone missing.

Next, we watched a video and had to look for clues. When Hannah stopped the video we had to work on some tasks. First, Mrs Campbell had to read us a clue from the wall and we had to think of people we can talk to when we have a problem. Next, we had to name body parts and how to keep them healthy. Then we watched more of the video.

After that, we solved the mystery. Cocky was at a fun run. Then Hannah asked us what we would do if we found a needle in the playground or at the park. We learnt that we were NOT allowed to touch it. We had to leave someone in charge of making sure no one went near it and send someone to get an adult to take care of the situation.

Finally, we went back to our classroom and talked about what we had learnt. We had a great time and really enjoyed our visit with Harold.

Room 13

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Week 7

Welcome to W.A week

As part of W.A week we discussed what it means to be a West Australian. We talked about the ways we like to relax, the wonderful things we love about W.A and our favourite places to visit.

We learned about the aspects of a postcard and how to write one. Then we got busy designing and writing. They turned out amazing! We certainly have some buddy little artists in Room 13.

In order to provide a context and purpose for our postcards, it was decided, in discussion with Mrs S (our buddy class teacher), that the children would create a postcard for each other. Then on Friday we got together with our buddy class (Room 21) and to deliver our postcards. As you can see, it was a success.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Week 6

This week we have had a HUGE focus on reading.
As you may be aware, we have been lucky enough to have some mums come in to do reading with our class. The children have really enjoyed this so much so, that we decided our reading corner was in need of a makeover. After much discussion, a camping theme was chosen. I was then set the task of making this happen. Research, then shopping, then a little more shopping and VOILA! Room 13 has a camp site.

In order to gain the most of this new space and the enthusiasm to read, I implemented what we like to call 'Buddy Reading'. Each day after lunch, children choose a buddy to read with. The difference this has made to the children's confidence, fluency and intonation has proven just how much practice, practice, practice, makes perfect! And well, what a cute way to do it.