Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Week 9

This week was all about Jump Rope for Heart. We have been skipping non stop in Room 13. Every recess and lunch time has been filled with children eager to show off their new found skills and tricks they have learnt. It has been so heart warming watching the children teach each other tricks and encourage the less able.

We have recently found out that as a school we have raised over $6000!

We are getting very excited about our assembly. Due to this year being a centenary year for Wattle Grove Primary School, we will be presenting an item based on being a student 100 years ago.
Please find below a copy of our poem and song (sung to the tune of 'Let it Go' a song I am sure you will all know) for practicing at home. There will be plenty of opportunities for children to practice at school also.



I would like to thank everyone for their support in completing homework tasks and returning homework files each Friday. It is important to our routine that these are returned on time.

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