Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Term 3 Weeks 5 - 10

 From Mrs C

Firstly, let me start by saying...

  GO PURPLE!!!!!

How exciting that PURPLE won the faction carnival. Unfortunately, we only have two people from PURPLE faction in Room 22, myself and Alysha. Rest assured, we celebrated well!

There are some wonderful photos of the event on the Wattle Grove Primary School blog (click on the photo below for a link).


 Well here we are at the end of Term 3!!! I am so sad to think I will soon be saying goodbye to my little Year Ones who are so ready for Year Two.

This term has been packed with so many exciting events and Term 4 promises to be much of the same.

Term 4 is a busy term with swimming and dancing, however, teaching and learning continues to remain our main focus. Your support with home tasks will continue to benefit your child in the completion of Year One and in readiness for Year Two.

This week your child received a list of sight words, as stated, these sight words were not to be practiced all at once, but rather, over the holidays. Children are encouraged to use the list to tick off any words they know and practice the ones they are unsure of. Encourage your child to be responsible for their own learning as this is an important life skill.

Let me take this opportunity to once again thank you for your continued support this term.
I am off to Dubai for some more Professional Learning. I leave Wednesday of week 10. Please have a safe and relaxing break with your child. Enjoy some free time for play, social skills and FUN!

I will see you all back soon for Term 4.

Literacy and Numeracy Week

Week 9 was Literacy and Numeracy Week. This is a week when we focus on raising awareness of the importance of Literacy and Numeracy in everyday life. This year we focused all our learning around a great book entitled, The Terrible Plop (if you click on the picture below, you will redirected to YouTube where you will be able to listen to a reading of the story. 

We can't give any more away...you will have to wait until your child's Learning Journey on Tuesday, 20th September, 2016. Learning Journeys begin at 2pm. Your children have been working very hard on their plans for you. Make sure you bring your energy, I think many of you are in for a busy afternoon of learning :)



In English we continue to work on our:
Language - vocabulary and WOW words
Sentence Building - verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, simile, openers and connectives
Tracking and Blending
Spelling - ask your child about our new spelling warm up...so fun!
and much, much more

I have attached a link to one of our Sentence Building Warm ups for you to practice with your child


In Maths we continue to work on our:
Counting by 1s
Skip counting  by 10s, 5s and 2s
Shapes (2D and 3D)
Addition and Subtraction
Number Bonds to 10 and 20 

I have attached a link below to one of our Maths warm ups for you to practice at home

Our unit on shape led us to search for and find shapes in everyday items. It was so exciting seeing the children come back in from recess and lunch with so much excitement about a shape they noticed outside and around the school. We searched for cubes, cuboids, cones, spheres and cylinders. Below are some photos we took of shapes around our classroom. Ask your children to label them for you.

Integrated Studies

As we come to the end of our unit on My Place in Space. We look forward to exciting new learning in Science and History next term.

Be sure to pop in often, to view new learning hanging around our classroom.

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