Well here we are, almost half way through the year! How fast time goes, EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR!
We have achieved so much already. I hope you are as proud as I am.
So what's been happening?
Science. Lots of Science.
The last few weeks have seen us in the audience of many a wonderful Science experiment. The confidence demonstrated and the scientific knowledge of the presentations was very impressive.
HUGE Congratulations to our Year Level Finalists:
Year One - Meryl Anoop (also the overall Year One winner)
Year Two - Addison Grant (also the overall Year Two winner)
Year Three - Shayan Islam
Books. We LOVE Books!
I definitely have a class of readers this year. They would literally read all day if I let them. So has proven to be a wondrous thing. At the last senior assembly, we won the Literacy Pro Award. This award is presented to the class with the highest quiz pass rate. We took it out with a very impressive 90% accuracy! How proud I am, especially when you think we are the only class with Year Ones and Twos participating.To date we, as a class, have read 5,053,189 words!
Our quiz pass rate remains at 90%. What a huge effort!
We have been working hard on our biographies of 'World Changers'. We are looking forward to putting all our research and summaries to good use to complete our works of art. Please keep an eye out for the display coming soon.Mathematics
We have had a focus on fractions for the last few weeks. What started out as a confusing concept has wound up being a huge success! So much so, that the Year Ones were devastated to learn their initial goal was to identify halves and quarters of shapes. "Oh no!" they said. "We can do WAY more than that!" And let me tell you they certainly have! The Year Twos and Threes have been putting their fraction knowledge to use to design a flag and rug. Both of which had quite strict guidelines to adhere to. They have well and truly risen to the challenge once again!Thank you all again for your support this term.
Reports will be coming home in Week 10.
In preparation for our break, I wish you all a relaxing, fun filled holiday.
With much gratitude,

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