Thank you to all the parents who attended the Parent Information Night. I hope you found it useful and not entirely overwhelming. I am happy to provide sessions in the afternoon to go over the spelling format etc. (more on this below).
As discussed at the Parent Night, we have a school wide initiative to prompt independence. I would really appreciate your support with this. Please work towards ensuring your child comes into class by themselves, sorts their chair, files and prepares for the day. Morning work is always available in the morning. The door opens at 8.30 and whilst the bell does not ring until 8.45, that 15mins. is so valuable for reducing anxiety and feeling prepared for the day. I understand that there will be days when 8.30 is not possible, however, more often than not is the key to success.
We have begun to settle into routines with many more to be introduced as we master each aspect of the day.
The Year Ones have coped well on the whole. It is a vast change from what they know...wide open spaces, different play areas, different classes, different eating arrangements, different classmates, different teacher, different expectations in Mini MAC to a general classroom. So many changes. It generally takes a term for the Year Ones and new students to Year Two or Three to fully settle in, with some taking much less time and some taking a little longer. As the new students begin to experience success, they begin to understand challenges and how setting high expectations often results in huge rewards for confidence and belief in their abilities. It is a great process to observe.
Homework seems to be working well, with most students completing the tasks. I intend for homework to take approximately 10-15mins per night in addition to reading for however long they'd like to. If you have any questions, please ask your child or see me.
We completed our Literacy Pro tests last Friday. Students are now aware of their levels and can read books and complete quizzes when they feel ready. It is important for students to become independent in logging into Literacy Pro as they are required to do so at school. Usernames and Passwords can be found on their Homework Journals.
I am happy to hold an after school Literacy Pro session if you feel it would be useful for your understanding of the program. Please let me know of your interest and what day would suit you and I will do my best to accommodate.
NAPLAN prep for the Year Threes is in full swing. The online demonstration site can be found in the English and Maths Practice tabs.
The public site is -
The site will ask for 'session codes', just click on next, next then yes.
Prior tests can also be accessed via -
These links are provided for students to become familiar with the format and types of questions. They are not to be used as study guides. Each test is independent to its year of administration. The tests are intended to be used to comprehend the question. What is the question asking me to do?
This week we have been fortunate enough to have Dr Light (Michael, Tom's dad) and Da (Tom's grandad) offer to conduct reading with our class in the mornings. I truly appreciate their support year after year and know the students benefit from their dedication to learning. Please see the administration office for details regarding training to become a part of the Principal's Volunteer Reading Program.
Da (as we also call him) likes to set challenges. As he sets them, I will post them to the Challenges tab of our blog. Students can then research, bring their answers to school and post them in 'Da's Challenge Box' for collection.
Thank you for your support.
With much gratitude,