Welcome to the 2020 school year.
There have been lots of changes since last year.
We said goodbye to our Year Threes.
Watched our new classroom being craned into position.
Spent the holidays continually checking on its progress and then, finally moved in, decorated and welcomed our new Year Ones.
It has already been such a busy start to the year.
We are working hard to help the Year Ones and new Year Twos settle in, setting our routines and making sure the expectations are well known.
Please note our library day is Wednesday. It is imperative that books are returned EVERY Wednesday morning.
Next Tuesday, 18th February, 2020 is Parent Information Evening (invitations went home with your children on Wednesday 12/2/20). Our session begins in our class (Room 32) at 6.15pm. Please note that this evening is for parents/caregivers only. I ask you to please make arrangements for the supervision of your child/ren.
Congratulations goes to our Semester One Student Councillors...
Imaan and Reshan. We know they will represent Room 32 with confidence and humility.
Looking forward to an exciting year.
With much gratitude,

Nice works Mrs C :)